Keeping ideas connected to reality so they can serve our lives in reality.
World of Dance Delivers a World of Joy
The sight of an achievement [is] the greatest gift that a human being could offer to others. —Ayn Rand. Season 4 of World of Dance has begun, and I recommend it highly. I’ve been watching this show since its...
Sarah Biddle Jun 5, 2020
How to Achieve Ambitious Goals: Observations from Stephen Duneier
Here is an opportunity to look into the mind of a super-achiever. Hedge-fund manager, artist, world-record holder (and much more) Stephen Duneier explains, in his TED Talk titled, “How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals,” how he went from being a subpar student...
Aaron Briley Jun 4, 2020
Want to Live among Heroes?
When I was a kid, my best friend and I were addicted to stories of people overcoming the impossible, and we wanted to live in a world of heroes to whatever extent we could. We would pretend we were characters from practically...
Jon Hersey Jun 2, 2020
The Life-Serving Value of Innovation, with James Altucher and Jason Feifer
Have you noticed how resistant people often are to new technologies and ideas? Do you hear constant scare stories about “adverse impacts” of new innovations such as GMOs, fracking, and 5G internet? In this new episode of The James Altucher...
Thomas Walker-Werth Jun 1, 2020
Evelina Pokrasneteva and Ilya Makarov Might Make Your Day
The sight of an achievement [is] the greatest gift that a human being could offer to others. —Ayn Rand. Each Friday, I’ll be posting videos, book or movie recommendations, recommendations of artworks, or other goodies...
Sarah Biddle May 29, 2020
Experience the Practical, Life-Serving Value of Philosophy at TOS-Con 2020
TOS-Con is all about practical, life-serving philosophy—with an emphasis on “practical” and “life-serving.” So what’s in store for you July 29–August 1? Explore the Value of Philosophy and History Freedom and flourishing...
Thomas Walker-Werth May 27, 2020
On Choosing to Be a Younger Son
Why do some people excel in life while others stagnate? Many factors are at play, but none is more powerful than free will. We can choose to think or not to think, to exert mental effort or not to do so. That’s our fundamental choice. And choosing to...
Craig Biddle May 26, 2020
Tim Ferriss on “Living a Full Life”
Do you ever struggle to balance staying productive, living a full life, and leaving time to think and reflect in the limited time you have? In this video, Tim Ferriss, author of the self-help classic The Four-Hour Work Week, talks about how to integrate being...
Thomas Walker-Werth May 22, 2020
Why We Created OSI
Many people live unhappy lives because they accept philosophic ideas that undermine personal happiness, such as “Being moral consists in selflessly serving others.” Likewise, many advocate and live under statist or tyrannical regimes because they accept ideas that...
Sarah Biddle May 22, 2020