Keeping ideas connected to reality so they can serve our lives in reality.
How to Make Work Something You Love
For many people, “work” is a word with unpleasant associations. Children associate it with the burden of school work, which they have to do, like it or not. Many adults associate it with a nine-to-five job, an onerous chore that they believe they must endure in...
Thomas Walker-Werth Dec 18, 2020
Discovering the Good: Morality, and Where It Comes From
On December 14 at 2:00 pm ET, the Ayn Rand Centre UK will host a discussion with Craig Biddle and Douglas Murray, moderated by Gloria Alvarez, on the nature and source of morality. Here’s an indication of what’s in store: A sign of a society in disarray is the...
OSI Admin Dec 7, 2020
“Pick Yourself Up” with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
Performers who love what they do can invoke a pure, soul-fueling joy in their audiences. Two performers who exemplify this are Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The pair starred together in ten musical films between 1933 and 1949. Astaire and Rogers were both...
Angelica Walker-Werth Dec 5, 2020
The Value of Creative Solo Projects
Producing a solo work of art that beautifies your home can leave you with a wonderful daily reminder of your abilities. I learned this after arranging photos I’d taken over my couch to create an esthetically pleasing corner of my humble abode. A few years...
Joseph Kellard Nov 25, 2020
Patrick Buggy’s Excellent Exercises for Self-Honesty
For many people, being totally honest with themselves about their lack of progress toward their goals can be extremely uncomfortable. This is the opening point Patrick Buggy makes in his article “The Clarifying Power of Self-Honesty.” Self-honesty is a...
Angelica Walker-Werth Nov 20, 2020
Improve Your Life in Seconds with Mel Robbins’ 5-Second Rule
Feelings are not proper guides to action, but they are a tremendous and compelling aspect of our lives. Whatever goals you are pursuing, there may be moments when you don't feel like doing the task at hand. How do you manage this conflict? Although you may not...
Maggie Bird Nov 14, 2020
Fantasy Sports as Life-Serving Values
You might think fantasy sports aren’t for you, especially if you’re not already a sports fan. But if you enjoy a challenge and want to sharpen your thinking skills, or even if you’ve just gone mad from months of lockdown, fantasy sports can be great fun. Among...
Thomas Wiegand Oct 27, 2020
Motivation from a Navy SEAL: Admiral McRaven’s Commencement Speech
In 2014, Navy Admiral William McRaven returned to his alma mater, the University of Texas, to deliver its commencement address. McRaven trained as a Navy SEAL, and he uses stories from basic training to illustrate the lessons he shares. His speech is motivating and...
Angelica Walker-Werth Oct 16, 2020
The Golden Era of American Railroads
Rail travel in America today leaves much to be desired. State-funded operator Amtrak has a well-earned reputation for slow, often late trains, running on inconvenient schedules and using outdated equipment. It wasn’t always like that. While browsing through an...
Thomas Walker-Werth Sep 29, 2020