Keeping ideas connected to reality so they can serve our lives in reality.
Sales Mastermind Lessons for Non-Sales People
I’m not a professional salesperson, but I recently learned some sales lessons that can be helpful even for non-sales people. I needed help on a pitch email for a prospective freelance client, so I reached out to my friend Nick Rundlett who hosts a “sales mastermind...
Gabriel Mitchell Apr 1, 2021
The Delights of Dance: Health, Expression, and Musicality
In today’s busy world, having fun life-enhancing hobbies can drastically improve one’s quality of life. Dance is one such hobby for me. It has always fascinated me because it uses human movement as a means of artistic expression. Dance is everywhere: formal ballet...
Angelica Walker-Werth Mar 28, 2021
For Maximum Success, “Eat That Frog”
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with a project or task that you don't even know where to start? This often leads to procrastination. But if you sit down and think about the project, writing step by step what you need to do, things become clearer. How can we make...
Robert Begley Mar 25, 2021
Enrich Your Life and Strengthen Your Mind by Learning a Foreign Language
Learning another language can have many benefits: cognitive, emotional, and social—and it doesn’t have to be the chore it used to be. Learning foreign words with no direct translation in English can help you identify and articulate experiences that you otherwise...
Douglas Bell Mar 19, 2021
David Goggins’s Key to Perseverance
I now understand why former Navy Seal and ultra marathoner, David Goggins, earned the nicknames the “toughest man alive,” the “sultan of suffering,” a “connoisseur of pain,” and a “disciple of discipline.” Listening to the audiobook of his life story, Can’t Hurt...
Aaron Briley Mar 12, 2021
Build the Best Version of You with Cassey Ho
Imagine turning two things you love doing into a brand worth millions of dollars. That’s exactly what thirty-four-year-old Cassey Ho has done with designing clothes and teaching Pilates, and that’s why I admire her. She runs the YouTube channel Blogilates, which is...
Angelica Walker-Werth Mar 4, 2021
Jeff Bezos’s Framework for Making Smart Decisions
For more than twenty five years, Jeff Bezos has revolutionized the way we use technology to improve our lives. Recently, I came across a video of Bezos from 1998 in which he shares some of the key decisions he made to found and grow Amazon.com. These decisions...
Maggie Bird Feb 25, 2021
How We Strengthened Our Relationship in Times of Lockdown
We had just started our long-distance relationship when governments closed borders in response to COVID-19—with one of us in the United States and the other in the UK. The pandemic and the lockdowns imposed in response to it could not have come at a worse time for...
Thomas Walker-Werth Feb 20, 2021
God vs. Ayn Rand: A Fireside Chat with Dennis Prager and Craig Biddle
Craig Biddle recently joined Dennis Prager for a wide-ranging discussion about religion, Objectivism, and American values. This is the conversation our culture needs to have—and a model of the civility with which we need to have it. Check out the video, and share...
OSI Admin Feb 18, 2021