TOS-Con Speaker Spotlight: Wolf Von Laer
In his TOS-Con presentation, “Bitcoin as a Freeway to Freedom,” Wolf von Laer, CEO of Students For Liberty, will explain the fundamentals of Bitcoin, how it differs from other crypto-projects, and why he sees Bitcoin as a vital tool in the fight for free markets and limited government.
TOS-Con Speaker Spotlight: Amala Ekpunobi
Can a young person break away from an irrational context in which she was raised? Can she activate her mind, think for herself, and build a life around her own independent judgment? At TOS-Con 2022, Amala Ekpunobi will tell the story of how she did.
13 Strategies for Becoming a Successful Freelancer: Strategies Five and Six
If you’re a new businessman or just branching out into a new field, what is the easiest way to make your products or services appealing to customers?
How Writing Saved my Career
Do you ever feel conflicted over what career path to pursue? Do you have multiple passions or interests you’d like to work into your life? For many years, I faced this dilemma, until I took up writing.
Greg McKeown Will Speak at TOS-Con 2022
I’m delighted to announce that one of my favorite authors, Greg McKeown, will speak at TOS-Con 2022: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing (June 22–25 in Denver).
Five Benefits of Reading Groups
When was the last time you read a book and discussed it in detail with others? Reading can be enormously valuable, giving you new ideas, perspectives, and information, but discussing what you read with others who are reading the same material can greatly enhance the rewards.
The Fountainhead Reading Group with Andrew Bernstein
Here’s an opportunity to enrich your life with a deep dive into Ayn Rand’s soul-fueling novel The Fountainhead. It’s the story of Howard Roark—an independent thinker, architect, and innovator, who refuses ever to compromise his principles—and his battle against the...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali Will Speak at TOS-Con 2022
I’m delighted to announce that Ayaan Hirsi Ali has joined the roster for TOS-Con 2022: Philosophy for Freedom and Flourishing (June 22–25 in Denver), where she will speak and participate in a panel discussion.
13 Strategies for Becoming a Successful Freelancer: Strategies Three and Four
To be truly competitive as a freelancer, you need to be in the top 10 percent of your field at minimum. Over time, strive to be in the top 1 percent.