Active-Mind Scholarships

Scholarships Cover:

  • Travel expenses (up to $600 in the U.S., $800 outside the U.S.)*
  • Hotel accommodations ($415)
  • The opening and closing banquets & dance ($275)

—a dollar-value of up to $1,490!

*Scholarship recipients still need to buy their plane tickets if they are flying. We will reimburse travel expenses within 10 days after the conference.

Applying Is Quick and Easy

Simply answer these questions—either in writing or in a video:

  1. Why do you want to attend LevelUp 2024?
  2. What are your top two concerns in life—whether personal, social, or political—and why?
  3. If a friend had those same concerns and asked how you recommend thinking about them, what would you say?
  4. How did you hear about LevelUp?

Written submissions should be no longer than 800 words; video submissions no longer than four minutes.

To submit your application, please fill out the form below. For a written application, write it as a Google document, and paste its link. For a video application, upload your video to Google Drive or YouTube (it can be unlisted) and paste its link.

If you have questions, email them to